ERO Report

November 2021

  • Children demonstrate a strong sense of belonging in the service. They settle quickly into their play and initiate conversations with their peers and teachers, confidently sharing their feelings and thoughts.
  • Teachers provide a programme that allows children to engage in activities of their own choosing for sustained periods of time, and to lead their own learning.
  • Children have opportunities to hear and speak te reo Māori and their own home languages during mat-times. Some children also confidently use New Zealand Sign Language.
  • Teachers meaningfully promote science, literacy, and mathematics in the context of children’s play.
  • Good teaching practices encourage and extend children’s oral language development and bring complexity to children’s thinking and learning. The learning programme includes a focus on recycling, and children show respect in looking after their environment.
  • Parents who spoke with ERO appreciated how teachers provide a curriculum centred on children’s exploration and interests. They felt well informed about their children’s learning and have good opportunities to participate in a variety of centre events, including excursions.
  • Teachers are establishing a range of practices to enhance children’s learning and development. Practices include curriculum planning, evaluation and strategies to strengthen learning partnerships with parents and whānau.

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